Sunday, December 15, 2013

Making Silk Purses out of Sow's Ears

The club challenge this year was to take a less than desirable kit and making your best out of it. We had three such kits at this Saturday's meeting.

Mike Wolfe built Roden's Heinkel He-111E as a Luftwaffe bomber from the late 1930's. He needed copious amounts of putty to successfully mount the wings to the wingroots. Bomb bay doors that don't fit and oversized bulkheads were a few other challenges with this kit. He used decals from DP Casper to finish this kit. A great job here! (Roden 1/72)

Mike Idacavage built Mach 2's Douglas D558-2 Skyrocket as one flown by Scott Crossfield as part of the U.S. Navy's answer to the U.S.A.F X-planes. Mike needed to essentially resculpt the entire aft fuselage from Milliput and scratchbuild the pitot from aluminum tubing. He also needed to source decals from the scrap box to include a 1/144 scale airliner passenger window as the apu exhaust port. A few members chose Mach 2 kits as their subject; Mike got his done, and it looks great! (Mach 2 1/72)

Rob Morales built the Zvezda T-60 Soviet Light Tank as seen in winter camouflage on the Northern Front during World War Two. He had to reinforce all of the wheels with brass rod just to keep them attached and almost was unable to attach one track due to the mounting pin hole disintegrating and the track's resistance to any type of adhesive. Also the amount of flash removed from the kit parts during assembly could have been used to make a separate kit. The project was great practice for a distressed finish. (Zvezda 1/35)

Rob's T-60 was chosen as the best of the Silk Purses. We will be displaying the entries at the Chattanooga show, so if you have one that's almost done, finish it and bring it!

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